Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Keke

Keke is still a mess. She is so fussy (more then her usual fussy self) I don't think she is pain free from her ear infection, the meds are giving her diarriah, the diarriah is giving her a rash, the antibiotics have given her a yeast infection, the yeast infection has given her thrush, the thrush makes her like nursing even less then she already did, all combined she is up every , 30-45 minutes. on a good night (even before she was sick) she is up every hour, but since being sick she likes to be up for an hour or two in the middle of the night. so there's my sob story for the night. I think God knew that if he was going to send me a baby with her temperment and demands, he was going to have to send me the cutest stinkin baby ever so that I could never get mad at her. Because honestly, take a look at this child! Yestarday, me and her went to the mall to shop. people were asking me to stop so they could look at her. In one store the workers could not get over her, they were making her laugh and putting clips in her hair. I'm totally in love with this little one!

1 comment:

Karina said...

yeah! i'm glad you finally did a blog. i can't believe how much hair your kids have! they should be on those pantene hair commercials!