Friday, January 18, 2008

cute halle stories

Halle is so excited to have 2 new frilly dresses! she wears them everyday! she loves to go up to people and say you like my pretty dress?
at the store the other day i took halle into a dressing room to feed the baby. of course the one day i don't bring a diaper bag with me , kiera poops. i said, halle, can give me your pull up. she said, no. so i waited a minute, and then said, halle, guess what? kiera pooped and i dont have a diaper for her and she will be so sad if she has to sit in a dirty diaper. so halle thought for a second and said, can she have my pull up?
halle found my scriptures yestarday and said, mom,you want me to read you the scriptures, i said sure. so she opened them up and said, Long ago in a far a way land there were two step sisters, anastasia and drizzella, and they ripped the dress right off of cinderella!
halle loves to try to make us laugh. she likes to show us the pictures of the monsters in the dr.suess books and say, that one looks like daddy or that one looks like mommy and then laughs hysterically.
yestarday i told her that lynn was having a baby named Lucy and i was putting some baby clothes in a box for her. halle got so excited and started finding books and toys to put in the box, saying, you think lucy would like this and this?
halle hears moms at playgroups threaten time out and asks me the other day, mom, can i go to time out?
halle had a bag of chips in the car that she didn't want to share, so when tom asked for one, she said, i can't daddy, i'm in back and i can't reach you.
halle loves that it has been raining and she can use her umbrella, which she still calls her gorilla.


Anonymous said...

Lori, you are doing a great job "blogging". I remember how "theraputic" it was for me writting in my journals about you kids! I loved it, and still to this day, if I open up an old journal and read, I can't help but smile and remember.....remember things that you once THOUGHT you would NEVER forget...but you keep up the great work! Love, mom

Anonymous said...

I was just reading "things I love about being a mom". Ditto!! Then, when I was a mom, and NOW!! I related to everything on that list!! Being a mom is the BEST, and you never are too old to enjoy the simple things!!

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up, there was a show on TV called "kids say the darnest things" with Art Linkletter. It was hilarious. They would just show kids saying those kinds of things and it was hilarious. Or Art would ask them a question like "where does God live" and then they would answer, and it was soooooooooooo funny! I love the way kids think and the things they say. Last week Aidan (age 3, almost 4) was alittle sick. So, I said to him "Aidan, grandma's going to pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him to help you get all better" and Aidan says "Grandma, I already did pray and ask Him that, but he's busy right now". See what I mean?